In my
christian tradition
we are now in the Season
of Advent
(the four weeks leading up to Christmas).
Week one HOPE: Advent is a time of waiting in the sacred and blessed dark, a time of feeding and nurturing what is to be born, a time of nestling in and protecting the incarnation and embodiment of all that is holy and divine filling our bodies. Blessings on all beings pregnant with life, blessings on all beings protecting the waters of creation which carry life.
Week two PEACE: We continue waiting in the blessed and sacred dark, we continue in anticipation of what will be born from the soft watery womb shadows into the light. In my tradition this week we particularly reflect and meditate on Peace. I have just heard that the peaceful prayers and ceremonies here on the North American continent at Standing Rock done by the Sioux and their allies have already given birth to the possibility of a new path, a new outcome. It is stirring and coming into light now what that means, and how it will play out as the US Army Corps of Engineers has pulled the pipeline permit for further study and discussion. May the community that has formed in peace at Standing Rock continue to gestate and grow into something beyond our hope. Blessings on what may still come to be born because of the peaceful coming together of so many of the descendants of the first peoples, and their allies, over these past long months and into the future.
Week three JOY: In my christian tradition Advent is really a magical time-lapse of the pregnancy of the Divine Mother Mary as she nurtures and nourishes in her own body the incarnation of divine hope, divine peace, divine joy, divine love. This third week is the week we encounter joy, the week we marvel at the feel of that divine incarnation moving, kicking, making its presence known. Blessings on that joy, that unexpected movement that reminds us there is life stirring in all things.
Week four LOVE: In the fourth week of Advent we continue to reflect on this sacred dark time of power and new life stirring. In this fourth week, living in Hope, working for Peace, dancing with Joy, we become aware of the Love that is the very womb of The Divine nourishing us. I am mindful of that Divine Love this Advent and how it manifests already in our wounded and torn hearts. This Advent I am mindful of how that Divine Love lives already in our wounded and torn world. Blessings this fourth week of Advent, this time of sacred dark, this time of power and new life stirring.